Changing The Game of Service in a World of Infinite Choice

June 21st, 2010 | Posted in Strategy | Comments Off on Changing The Game of Service in a World of Infinite Choice

It’s no secret that technology has driven significant change in the contact center world. With the dramatic explosion of self-service options, customers can often get “good” service without ever talking to a live agent.

At the same time, technology is a two-edged sword. Customers now face an abundance of choices for nearly any product or service they want. And customers have adopted a “free agent” mentality where they will search quickly and easily for the best and/or lowest cost options.

What happens as more of your “routine” contacts are handled by a variety of self-service options? Sure, you’re driving costs out of your business. That’s great. But what are you doing with the calls that continue to go to live agents? An increasing percentage of those calls are anything but “routine.” They are exceptions, problems, complications – in other words, “high risk” situations.

In this environment, the role of the contact center must transform dramatically. You have to operate “as if” each call represents a battle to win or lose the customer.

To win that battle, your front-line representatives must consistently create value by delivering an ESP experience – an experience that is emotional, simple, and personal. And your “service” representatives have to do a “sales” job by selling every customer on the value of continuing to do business with your company.

The game of service has changed. Is it time for your company to undertake an extreme sales makeover?

Service To Sales Tips

  • In today’s environment, you have to operate “as if” each call represents a battle to win or lose the customer.
  • Front-line representatives must create value by delivering an ESP customer experience: emotional, simple, and personal.
  • Service representatives have to sell every customer on the value of continuing to do business with your company. If you’re not giving the customer a reason to stay, then you’re giving the customer a reason to leave!

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